Monday, September 17, 2007

What did you say?

As every parent know, sometimes your kids say the funniest things. I've been trying to write some of them down lately. Here are some of the winners:

Abby: "Parents are so annoying"

Leah: "She's ugly" (This was said in the chapel while she was pointing at some lady)

Brynn said the funniest thing the other day while Leah, Brynn, and I were in the office in our house. Here's the conversation.

Brynn "How come it smells?"

Carin "What does it smell like?"

Brynn "Like rotten eggs that came tooting out of a butt."


tothe4thfloor said...

hahahahahaha....those are seriously the funniest things I have ever heard. I was in tears because I was laughing so hard.

Unknown said...

Keep the sayings coming. You should have heard your dad laughing. "Kids will say the funniest things."

Janna said...

That is hilarious. We were at the zoo the other day and Rusty kept pointing out all the black people. I was embarassed.

Haylie said...

Maby my mom farted really hard and Brynn could smell it. My mom's fart smells like rotten eggs.


Those are really funny sayings.
I just laughed and laughed. I can't wait to hear some more.