Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My crazy life

Last week Abby decided she was going to run away...let's just say we were having a difficult day. She went upstairs and packed a few things she brought a blanket, her purse then she came and got some things from the kitchen...cookies and water. Then she ran up the street. About five minutes later I noticed she was in our backyard, eating her cookies. I took this picture without her knowing. Don't worry, she was back home within 20 minutes.
I went grocery shopping the other day. Sometimes it seems like a never ending task, I'm always grocery shopping. I brought Shea and Leah in and was going back out to bring in the groceries and found Shea like this. I thought it was pretty funny.
Would someone please wash this child's face and maybe comb her hair?
During this same shopping excursion Brynn was asking if she could watch a movie when we got home. I said no, that she needed to play with something. She was all mad and said she wasn't coming in until I let her watch a movie. So I closed the garage door and went inside. I came out with the camera, she was still pouting but decided to smile for the camera. The outcome? Brynn came inside and played puppets with Leah for the rest of the afternoon.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has struggles with their children. Glad to know you have a normal family and that they aren't perfect.

Unknown said...

Aren't children wonderful? I want to kiss all of yours. This year I feel like I am the grandma to 20 six year old. They sure keep me hopping. I come home with some wild stories to tell Wayne. They all have personalities that are quite stubborn. (Their teacher is stubborn too. I make them work and be quiet.)

Sarah Burgoyne said...

I love the picture of Shea with the sticker on her head. I have a picture of Hannah with address labels all over her face, always makes me laugh :)

Heather S said...

Kelli is out crying in our garage right now! The light is on and she is unbuckled..welcome to come in when she isn't screaming. Shea has the most beautiful eyes! Congrats to Abby on Student of the month!