Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Grandma Came to Visit

Trent's mom came to visit us this past week. The girls were so excited to have someone come to visit us. We had a fun time and some crazy experiences. Wanda came in Monday afternoon. Trent came home early from work that day because he wasn't feeling well. He hadn't felt well the previous day either. By Monday night he was having pain in his lower right abdomen. He decided he better go to the hospital. So he drove himself to the emergency room (his choice, I asked him if he wanted anyone to come with him) About midnight I get a call from Trent that they are going to do surgery to take his appendix out. Things went smoothly he was able to come home Wednesday. He is healing well, just a little sore still.
So with Trent in the hospital I had to use my extra helpers to plant our garden. Wanda helped us get it ready. The girls had fun planting the seeds. We started with beans and sugar peas. We will plant our tomatoes and peppers, etc. in a few weeks.
Here's my garden helper. She was eating a ginger snap and dirt.

One of our excursions took us up to Wisconsin to visit a Cheese Castle. On the internet it pictured this great castle. I thought it would be a great place to check out. The Cheese Castle turned out to be a hole in the wall place right off the freeway. We had fun anyway.
Saturday, we left Trent at home to recover some more and took the train into Chicago. We had a picnic in Millenium Park and had fun seeing the sights and walking the street. (Okay, so I heard a lot of complaining about being tired and my feet hurt and I'm hungry. I can remember doing the same when I was younger. But when we asked them what their favorite part of the week was, it was going to Chicago.)

While Wanda was here she broke one of her ribs when she put Shea into her crib. So here are my invalids. Thanks for coming to visit Grandma, who knows if she will ever want to come again!


Unknown said...

Wow! It sounds like a rough but fun week all at the same time. Glad Trent is doing well. That could be scary. Poor grandma, helping out and she ends up breaking a rib!

Janna said...

What a lot of excitment. I hope Trent and Wanda are doing well. I like the gown picture of Trent it looks like the maternity gowns.

Shelly said...

Maybe we won't come visit you this summer...

Glad to hear Trent is okay!

If you come visit us, you can plant my garden :)

Jenny Hart Turk said...

Sounds like a fun week for you. You had your hands full. Andrew was just in Wisconsin for a week at the beginning of April. Can't wait to see you at the beach in a few months.

Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

Oh wow lots of excitment. I hope your mother-in-law and trent are feeling better. Hey I love dirt too Shea. LOL! Looks like fun.

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Trent, I absolutely LOVE your blouse...I mean gown. It is lovely. Hope you don't have a use for your appendix, I lost mine when I was 11 and haven't missed it since. Did they say if there was anything in yours? Mine ruptured and almost killed me so I didn't get to see anything in it.

Sarah Burgoyne said...

Ouch! I love the pictures of Shea!