Monday, April 7, 2008


Abby's excited to play outside and wear her capris.
Spring has arrived! Here's a shot of the girls having their first picnic of the season. They invited some friends from the neighborhood to join them.
Brynn enjoying an ice cream cone.
Leah's serious about riding around on her wheels.

Shea loved the swing.


Janna said...

Cute pictures. We will have a few days of nice weather, then it will snow. We woke up today with snow on the ground and it snowed during the day too. The picture of Brynn with the ice cream looks like abby. Can't wait to see you guys.

Unknown said...

How nice it is that it's warm where you are. I love the pictures of the girls.

Sarah Burgoyne said...

Fun! Here in CO it's cloudy and chilly but starting Saturday we're supposed to have highs of 71! So excited!

Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

I love spring, picnics and ice-cream! Cute pictures!

Lisa R said...

ahh, picnics, what fun! Leah looks serious on those wheels!