Friday, June 6, 2008

Last Day of School

Today was officially the last day of school. Abby had to go to school for an hour this morning. Brynn's last day of school was yesterday. I think Brynn had a memorable last day of kindergarten, there was a tornado warning so all of the kids in school had to put their tornado drill skills into practice. They said they were like that for about an hour. Crazy.
To celebrate the last day of school we made funnel cakes for breakfast. We all know there is lots learning going on for the last day of school, so why not a nice healthy meal to start out the day?
Here is Abby in her tie dye shirt she made at school.
We went to a little waterpark this afternoon, when we got home Brynn was eating a nectarine and out came her first tooth. She was so excited. I find it rather ironic that it's the day vaction begins because all year long she has been asking me when she is going to lose a tooth because everyone else has missing teeth. Now that's some peer pressure! We will have to find out if the tooth fairy comes tonight!
We also had some friends over to play tonight. We were heading out to the backyard to play some soccer and I see this turtle on our lawn. I couldn't believe the size of it.
The kids were fascinated with the turtle.


Janna said...

You guys have a big yard. and your house looks similar to ours

Unknown said...

That is some turtle. Who does it belong to? Shea looks so cute in the high chair. I can't believe she is almost l year.

Unknown said...

You certainly had an exciting first day of summer vacation. Congratulations Brynn, on loosing your tooth.

Shelly said...

Love the turtle! I can't believe Brynn lost her first tooth, Nicole just lost hers a few weeks ago.

Isn't it nice to be out of school?

I want your funnel cake recipe!

Sara said...

I loove the picture of Shea! I can't wait to finally meet her.

Lisa R said...

Wow that is a big turtle! Fun stuff! Very good post about Leah as well, similar to some of Aricin's antics. Must be the age!

Desiree Hansen said...

I can't believe how much the girls have grown! I love reading your blog and seeing all the fun you guys have. Looks like summer is starting in style for you... Love you, and we can't wait to see you.