Monday, January 5, 2009

Last month was a crazy one as any December is...I finally feel like I have time to post on the happenings of our family. I received a new calling towards the end of November, I'm now the Primary President in our ward, apparently the Primary puts on a Nativity pagent for the Ward Christmas Party each year. So here was our attempt at putting that on. It really wasn't too bad all the costumes are made and the script has been written, you just have to organize it. Leah on stage.
Abby as one of the Heavenly Hosts.

Brynn was a donkey

Leah was one of the sheep.

I guess the best part about the Ward Christmas party is eating jello and desserts for dinner. Our table did have a tableclothe on to begin with, Shea just kept lifting it up and knocking everyone's drinks over. We decided to ditch the tablecloth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks like a fun ward party.