Thursday, August 9, 2007

First Impressions

Well we made the move, most of our boxes are unpacked and we are beginning to feel settled in. As you know when you move there are lost of first impressions happening. Let me share a few. I took all the girls with me to go register Abby and Brynn for school. Their new school seems really nice. Brynn is so excited to be going to kindergarten and Abby is anxious to meet new friends. While we were there getting all the paper work, Shea starts to cry, so I get her out of her carseat, we were about to leave when we noticed pictures of the faculty up so we stopped to look at them. Then the principal comes out and introduces herself and offers to show us around the school we start to follow when Shea explodes. Yes that's right an explosion occurs all over her clothes, my hands and yes even my clothes. Abby and Brynn went on with the principal themselves. I changed Shea but of course I have no change of clothes for me, so I got to talk with the principal with poop all over my shirt and pants. It was pretty good.

We were all excited to go to our new ward. The members were friendly and it seemed like there were quite a few children in the ward. But I couldn't tell you a thing about Sacrament Meeting because I was in and out of the chapel 3 times. Now that's a great first impression. I had to take the girls to the bathroom before the meeting started, but didn't get back before it had already started. Then Leah has to go right before the sacrament. When I get back with her, I sit down for really 2 minutes and have to take Shea out...along with Leah who was sitting in my lap and refused to move in order to get her way.

We are all enjoying our new home and allowing lots of opportunities for child labor.


Janna said...

You have the funniest stories. It sounds like you might have been moded with the poop all over you. I like the big boob picture too.

Kari said...

Your stories are hilarious! I love the kids laying down on the job. That's how I feel when I have to do yard work. Are you loving your new house? It looks cute.

Sara said...

I hope Leah told you that you smelled like poop. Your new house looks sooo cute. Tell all your girls that I say hi and I miss them.

Unknown said...

The house looks great. The kids look happy. Shea is adorable. I bet the principal won't remember how you clothes look by the time school starts.

Unknown said...

Hi, this is Wayne. Your story would bring one comment from me. Oh Shankel. If you want to know what means it is a new word we made up during the beach house and solemn moments. The word means - the first words out of Grandma Harts mouth after giving birth to six boys in a row. "Oh Shankel"

I enjoyed your pictures and your house looks great. The kids doing yardwork look like ours many years ago.

Mark said...

Glad you are settled and enjoying your new life in the Chicago area. Sounds like no beans for the kids for along time.

Anonymous said...

You said poop. Trent loved that word. Miss those girls and the fam.