Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snowy Saturday

It's a snowy Saturday, Trent took the girls to go see the Nutcracker. I stayed home with Shea who is conviently taking a nap. Trent put up Christmas lights in our front yard today with lots of "help" from the girls. I also had lots of help when we made brownies.

Here are some recent funny quotes from the girls.

Abby: "If they didn't invent Barbies we wouldn't play nicely."

This was said after I commented on how nice they were playing together.

We had our Primary Program a few Sundays ago. I was trying to work with Brynn on her part she was all frustrated, crumpled up her part and said "I just want to throw it in the garbage." Which she did. By the way, she said her part beautifully.

One Saturday our next door neighbor was mowing his lawn. Abby, Brynn and Leah were out on the deck conspiring. The older two were whispering things for Leah to say. This is what she was yelling at our neighbor: "HEY MAN, SHOW YOUR BOOBS." (He usually mows his lawn without a shirt on, but for some reason he didn't this time.) Classic Leah.


Unknown said...

What a fun Saturday. The girls comments are a crack up. Keep telling them to us. Shea is so cute. She has changed the most, (Duh, grandma). Did the girls like the Nutcracker? We don't have our lights up yet Trent. I'm not sure Wayne really wants to put them up. That is something I stay away from helping too much. I can hardly wait to see all of you.

Kari said...

It is always fun to see your neighbors boobs! Sounds like they have been watching too much Desperate Housewives. Shea is so cute and Leah chocolate face is great. That is still how Cade looks every time he eats.


SO FUNNY, Rusty does the same thing for Stone. He will say anything.

Janna said...

I love how the older sibling tells the younger one what to say or do. I guess they thing they won't get in trouble if they aren't the one who does it. They got a package from Grandma Lee yesterday for christmas and Stone kept telling Rusty to open it. I had to hide it.

Mark said...

0315Wanda said......
Thanks Carin for the cute blog of the kids. They've grown since I was down. Shay's adorable and of course the older girls are beeautiful with personalities to match. I love you and miss you. Way to go guys, you missed my birthday on Dec. 3rd. I noticed Wayne's was remembered, what am I chopped liver?:)Dec.7 2007
Much love to you Trent the only knove with one queen and 4 princesses.
Love, grandma Wanda.

tothe4thfloor said...

Your girls are hilarious! Tim and I love the quotes so keep them coming!